Message from Wolf – December 2023
Welcome Seeker
Too many people on Earth live in too much fear too much of the time and in fear of so many things. This blocks light from spreading in your life, to those around you, and thus from spreading throughout the planet. Many people fear not having enough money, or fear being alone, not aging well, having dementia, poor health, or they fear death itself. Others fear for the wellbeing of the planet. I am not saying that some among you will not struggle from time to time. I am saying that living with fear is not the answer. I want you to begin to realize that fear is a part of the problem.
Living in Love is the Answer
This message is not my usual Wolf message about learning and sharing ancient or indigenous teachings. I am the first Spirit Animal to bring a message to this new forum, and the first message, I feel, must be about love.
Because of news media, advertising, some organized religions, and who publishes historical beliefs, it is often difficult to live in love, to always be the light, to spread joy, and at times perhaps even difficult to believe in Spirit, the Divine, Mother-Father God, Source…
So this message from me, Wolf, is a request for you to remember, to do the daily work to feel love, live in love, express joy, go out and about in the world to seek and see joy and togetherness. Love and light is truly all around you. So much beauty in nature; fun, laughter, joy in restaurants and city parks; and ray after ray of healing loving divine light streaming down from the stars, from your guides, and from Mother-Father God.
Be in Joy
This is Wolf’s main message to you: …be…be in joy. Be in wonder. Seek experiences, seek new learning, new friends, push back from fear and doubt by getting up and out.
Be like my Spirit Animal cousin Penguin. Penguin adapts to her environment and creates a joyful meaningful life where she is. Maybe her frozen snowy home looks barren and frigid. Penguin does not fear the bitter cold or the absence of trees and plants. Penguin learned to find beauty, love, joy, family and a great life even on an Antarctic ice sheet. Watch and observe what others do for fun, what makes other laugh and gather in joy. It is fine to imitate others a bit and to say, “hmm, I think I will try that, that looks like fun.”
You are a Seeker
I started out my message by calling you a Seeker. You are a Seeker. You came here to this message today seeking spiritual information or you came seeking healing. Maybe you just came seeking a beautiful image of Wolf or another animal. In seeking, you have set yourself apart from most others in your world. Our message to you is to keep seeking.
Make an effort to bring more healing into your life, more beauty, more spiritual or mind expanding experiences. No one in this world ever said or believed “seek and you shall find fear.” No, you will not find fear: you will find joy and love and the deep beauty of shared experiences. You may stumble on your path or make choices you would not make again, but if you seek with an open mind and an open heart, you will find so much love and joy. So much love and joy that it was well worth the effort of overcoming a fear and doubt. It cannot be any other way.
You are Divine
Deer does not live in fear because Deer knows she was created by Mother-Father God. I cannot be any other way. Deer was created in pure love and light like you and every living being on the planet. Everyone is a protected child of the Divine. You can invoke extra protection anytime by asking Spirit to surround you in love and light. You can specifically ask Badger, the Spirit Animal who brings extra protection, and you can ask the Archangel Michael.
Call Wolf and other Spirit Animals into your Life
I place the essence of Wolf energy in your path, so venture out and find it. Absorb it. In a few weeks, I will bring my more traditional Wolf ancient teachings message. There are many Spirit Animals who have a message for you with a variety of medicine to bring you back into balance to help fill the gap between yourself and your soul and bridge the gap you may have between yourself and Spirit.
With blessings and the honor of being able to speak to you, I say I am Wolf and like my many Earth brothers and sisters, I am listening to those who ask for help, wisdom, healing, and guidance. When you ask we come.