Lightworker Ascension™ Chakra Kit
This kit engages the energies of fifteen stones (nine different types) and several Ascended Healing Masters. These helper spirits combine forces to remove old or stuck energy from your Chakras and to infuse new energies. The kit comes with a Chakra Chart, an image of a meditating body with clearly marked spots where you put each stone during the guided meditation. Each Chakra has a specific stone and a specific healing master that manage energy removal and replacement. Our Chakra Kit is a bit different from traditional Chakra tools, because we use Ruby for the Heart Chakra and Malachite for the Root Chakra. These stones are more aligned with new energies on the Earth that help Lightworkers thrive and shine their own light.
With your Chakra Kit you receive instructions on where to log into and either listen to or download guided meditations. You use the first guided meditation to initialize your chakras using each stone in the kit. In the second guided meditation you meet two Heart Centered Healing Guides, Sister Mother Mary and Quan Yin. That meditation continues your over all healing and re-alignment with source.
When we receive your online order, we go to our stones that have been set aside for these kits and we pick out the stones (Labradorite, Unakite, Iolite, Lapis, Ruby, Carnelian, Tiger Eye, Malachite, Quartz) that want to join and help you. We then put your set of stones together on a small Tiger Eye or Ironwood slab so they can begin charging as a group to your specific energy and needs. We meet with and charge your stones every day for 2-3 days. When your stones are charged, we put them on a master heart-charging stone and charge them one more time to seal their energy so their energy is still vibrant when they get to you.

In the meditations, we first set a sacred space by inviting in specific healing masters and by setting intentions. Then you listen to an eyes-open exploration of the stones in your kit. This meditation last about half an hour.
After you place the quartz in your chart during the eyes-open meditation, you can choose to flow into the eyes-closed guided mediation or you can take a short break. In the eyes-closed meditation you are guided to release old energy, and to bring in new energy that can heal some negative experiences in your past. You meet with two heart centered guides (Quan Yin and Sister Mother Mary). The meditation ends with circle of healing masters gathering around you to help you heal even more. This mediation takes about forty minutes.