A  Meditations for the Lightworker Ascension™ Chakra Kit

Thank you for your interest in our Lightworker Ascension™ Chakra Kit. If you purchased the kit or obtained Chakra Chart to use with your own stones, and you want to jump right into the meditations, use the links below to download or stream the Chakra Healing meditations. The meditations come in three different audio files (MP3s) and are best listened to with head phones. The first meditation is optional.

You can also read the information below these links to understand what to expect from the meditations and to read or print a transcript similar to the eyes-open meditation.

A an optional 5 minute introduction about what to expect (download). Click the play arrow below to right to stream this introduction.
An eyes-open exploration of the stones in the kit which includes placing them on your Chakra Chart and activating their energies (about 17 minutes) (download). Click the play arrow to the right to stream this meditation.
An eyes-closed guided meditation to meet and work with additional healing masters (about 27 minutes) (download). Click the play arrow to the right to stream this meditation.



How to Prepare for the Meditations

Before you start the meditation, you should have all of your stones and Chakra Chart in front of you on a flat surface. You will be placing each stone onto the chart, and you don’t want them to roll off. If you are not familiar with all of the stones in your kit, look at each stone and visually match it to the picture of the stones on the left of your chart, before you start the meditation. The stones are also pictured on the right side of this page (Quartz, Labradorite, Unakite, Iolite, Lapis, Ruby, Carnelian, Tiger Eye, Malachite, Quartz). The guided meditation will ask you to pick up each stone by name, for example, ’Pick up your piece of green Malachite’, so you want to know which stones are which.

The first mediation is an eyes-open meditation. We set a sacred space by inviting in specific healing masters and by setting intentions. We try to be broad and inclusive, and ask you to invite your own helper spirits, so we also set up a bit of protection for this sacred time together. Then you listen to a guided exploration of the stones in your kit. You learn about each stone’s energy and how they work with each Chakra and their Ascended Master. This information was channeled from Lord Melkezedek. Before starting the eyes-open mediation you need to have all of your stones and your Chakra chart in front of you on a flat surface with enough light to see the features of each stone. You can take notes if you want during the eyes-open meditation. But similar information is available to you below.

Some of you will be very familiar with all of the stones, and some of you may not have held these types of stones before. The first time you listen to the meditations, you are learning about the stones and what they can do for you. You may find that the second or third time that you engage in this practice, you are more familiar with the stones and you can focus more on the energies and healing. If you want to have more time with each individual stone, you can pause the eyes-open meditation as needed to get to know each stone. Before beginning the meditation, you can take a few minutes and match the stones with their pictures in the Chakra chart. You can also read the eye-open mediation on the Meditations page on lightworkerascenion.com, so you can spend as much time as you want with each stone, Chakra, and master.

After you place the second quartz in your Chakra chart during the eyes-open meditation, you can then flow into the eyes-closed guided mediation or you can take a short break. In the eyes-closed meditation you are guided to release old energy, and to bring in new energy that can heal negative experiences in your past. The eyes-closed meditation ends with a circle of Healing Masters gathering around you to help you heal even more. The eyes-closed mediation takes about twenty five minutes. You may find you become very relaxed during this meditation or you may find your attention is drawn to different Ascended Masters or events in your past. Don’t worry about being distracted during this meditation; you do not need to pay attention to every word or suggestion in the meditation to benefit from the healing energies. The meditation has energetic vibrations that are healing on many levels, and the stones and Masters are activating energies for you once you set your intentions. This Chakra kit and the meditations are designed so that you can listen to them many times. We hope you make this an ongoing practice. We will be adding new mediations, such as charging a specific stone to be an amulet or talisman for you.

We separated the eyes-open and eye-closed meditations into two different audio files. If you want to listen to them one right after the other without a pause, you need to have them set up on your audio device to play sequentially. You do not need to listen to this introduction audio again; instead you can jump right into the eyes-closed mediation. It has a brief introduction to help you get settled in before setting the sacred space for this spiritual practice.

This is a meditation you can do over and over. Each time you go thru the steps in the meditation, you have the opportunity to release more old energy, increase higher vibrations, and connect more deeply with different Ascended Masters. It’s our belief that the stones’ energies will become stronger each time you connect with them. Remember, these stones were out specifically for you and charged for you. They all agreed to join you and help you on your path.

We hope you enjoy the stones and the meditation. Below, we provide similar information in the eyes-open part of this meditation. We found that many of you like to take notes, so we provide you the information in written form that you can refer to before, during, or after the meditation.

Transcript of the Eyes-Closed Meditation

Set Up a Sacred Space

Today spirits, Mother Father God, ancestors and star beings…we ask for your help in many ways, and we ask you NOW to help us create a safe and sacred space for this spiritual practice. Spirit guides and healing masters we are once again blessed to be among other lightworkers, and we thank you and everyone here for that. We start with the

NORTH and we ask Isis, Sophia, and everyone’s ancestors to fill our hearts, voices, and minds with wisdom. We recognize Owl and Jaguar are also here to help.

In the EAST we ask Quan Yin and Sister Mother Mary for the chance to begin anew to be a better kinder person and to learn new ways and perspectives. We see Snake and Hummingbird as our allies.

In the SOUTH Thoth and Anubis manage the circle of energy and light around us and carefully merge and flow the energies from the Stars and Mother Father God. We ask Thoth, Melkezedek and the Archangel Michael for an extra layer of protection from unwanted energies at this time. We feel Ibis and Heron protecting and watching over us.

In the WEST – We welcome all trees, rivers, animals, and other earth spirits who are waiting patiently for us to ask them for their service. And we thank Gaia for her support and love.

Now we go ABOVE…BELOW… AND THEN WITHIN… to our Heart Center and feel the connection to everyone and everything. We recognize that connection as LOVE. We give thanks and ask for your attention and assistance. Take a moment and call in your helper spirits and guides.


We need to reset our intentions for this spiritual adventure. Melkezedek explains a bit …because of the nature of language and time and space on your planet, it may seem to you that we take you thru a narrated experience, but everything that will happen in this practice is happening all the time and at once, even though you are told about it sequentially, this helps and serves your mind. When you set your intentions, you give us permission to work with you across time – this comes from your heart to our hearts. Take a deep breath and open your hear to us, our energies, and our healings.

You are here because you chose to be here and to ask for guidance to shift old energies into new higher vibrational frequencies. Take a few moments to yourself and set your intentions in way that is meaningful to you… in words… or in feelings that set the intention of releasing lower vibrational energy that does not serve your godself and the intention to bring in energy that does serve you and your goals of serving others.

I Am that I Am Lord Melkezedek and I join you in this project as the Master of Movement. Our first task together is to clear and heal your Chakras so you can better open your Heart to your true self and path.

1. Begin by gazing at the Chakra Chart in front of you, and breathe slowly and deeply. Take a moment and tell your mind that you want all of your focus on this energy healing. The main shape in your chart is an egg, a symbol for rebirth, so prepare yourself for a rebirth, like a snake shedding old skin. Prepare yourself for a re-initiation on the path to who you really are. Today you ask us to surround you with the love and support you need to heal and to grow, and I am here to tell you, we will do that and more. We are at your service to help you live a love filled life and to give you the strength, insight, and energetic tools to be of service to others, to spirit, to mother father god. Today you are asking many master healers to surround you in the love you need to make changes in your life, for with our love comes a bit of power. Notice that your egg is open on both ends, to allow a generous flow energy from different sources.

2. Gaze again at your Egg and feel each color and each symbol. Feel the blue, the green, the magenta, the Rainbow Star at the top. Pick up your piece of Labradorite and turn her at different angles in the light. She allows all flows of energy from Mother Father God to enter your Crown Chakra, but her flashes of light pick up specific Star and Galactic energies that are meant for you. Turn Labradorite over and see her rough unpolished side, she reminds you that all is not what is seems, it is more important how you feel. Place Labradorite on the Star at the top of your Egg. Tap this stone and ask Labradorite to begin activating her energy to bring you new frequencies and higher vibrations.

3. Now pick up the bead of Unakite. She has agreed to work with me, Melkezedek, in your Crown Chakra. Hold Unakite in your hand and feel her coolness; gaze at her glistening green and pink mix of healing colors. Unakite and I are here today to help you filter the flood of energies, frequencies and signals entering your Crown Chakra from different Star systems and non-material spirits. Place this stone in the Unakite circle next to the Crown Chakra. Tap the Unakite to activate her energy in your Crown Chakra.

4. Now find among the Master Healer Stones the little stones called Iolite. Iolite has agreed to work with Sophia, the Healing Master of Wisdom in your Third Eye. Hold the Iolite in your hands, hold them up to the light. Sometimes they are very purple, other times light purple and sometimes a bit blue. Iolite and Sophia take the flow of energy – energy as information – from the Crown Chakra and calibrate it with Earth Wisdom that matches the needs of the present moment. Place these stones in the circle for them next to the Third Eye Chakra on your Egg. Keep breathing slowly and deeply. Ask Iolite to activate their energy in your Third Eye.

5. Find the stone called Lapis and gaze at her deep blue richness. Jesus Sananda and Lapis work together to transform the energy that flows from your Third Eye into your Throat Chakra. If your Lapis has gold flecks of Pyrite, expect strong Star energies. If it has white calcite expect strong Ascended Master energies. The blue of Lapis allows Jesus Sananda to even and smooth out higher and sometimes frenetic higher vibrations to help you more easily express yourself and your truth with meaning and compassion. Place the Lapis in its circle next to the Throat Chakra. Tap this stone and ask Lapis to activate new energies in your Throat Chakra.

6. Find your piece of green Malachite, the new age stone for the Root Chakra. Garnet, Hematite, and other grounding stones performed their role for this Chakra for eons and we thank them. In our new age, we are thriving and stable, so it is a time for creativity and joy to be our foundation, our Root. Look at the deep and flowing curves in your Malachite. Hold Malachite and know this stone is here to help you heal by strengthening your connection with the Earth, to give you a direct connection to Earth’s love and power. Gaia and Malachite work together to flood your Root Chakra with the Earth’s green creative energies. Place Malachite in its spot at the base of the Egg. Tap this stone and ask Malachite to activate healing energy in your Root Chakra.

7. Find Tiger Eye and gaze into her glistening rivulets of energy. This stone belongs to Isis. Soften your gaze and Tiger Eye may appear as liquid gold or she may appear as a shining glistening light in the dark. Tiger Eye and Isis help you coalesce power into a firm foundation for your green Earth energy of creativity to grow and mature. Place Tiger Eye on the circle next to the Sacral Chakra. Tap this stone and ask Tiger Eye to activate energy in your Sacral Chakra.

8. Take a deep breath and pick up your stunning piece of orange Carnelian, like a hardened chunk of the Sun. Carnelian and Thoth work together to break down the energy from Isis and Tiger Eye, so you have access to a more refined and usable energy tailored to match your specific projects. Feel her cool surface changing colors. Place Carnelian on the circle next to the Solar Chakra. Ask Carnelian to activate energy in your Solar Chakra.

9. Ruby knows she is next and has been patiently waiting. The Royal King Queen of the Mineral Kingdom is a softer energy than you might have imagined. She has come to serve your Heart. The new stone for the Heart Chakra is a powerhouse crystal of multiple dimensions. Look very closely at your Ruby, she may have overlapping triangles of layered wisdom or bright red power spots with healing energy she is about to share with you. She will first work with Riannon to help clear your path. Then you will join Quan Yin and Sister Mother Mary as you accept their heart healing energies. Breathe in deeply as you place Ruby in the Heart Chakra in your Egg. Now breathe out and close your eyes, Ruby has a message for you.

10. “I am Ruby. If I were an animal I would be a Ruby. If I were a flower, I would be a Ruby and if I were a cloud, well I would be a Ruby. I am the Ruby in every Lightworker, and I connect you to each other. I am power and compassion and integrity. But I only get to be that way with the love and support and clarity from Unakite’s aligning the Star’s healing messages, with Iolite’s wisdom filters, with Lapis’s translation of love and light into Earth speak, with Malachite’s infusing me with Gaia’s pure love, with Tiger Eye’s manipulation of raw creative forces and from Carnelian who further refines this energy and hands it me as if it were gold.”

11. Now that you have filled your Chakra Chart, you need to place the helper quartz crystals. Pick up one of the pieces of quartz, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Open your eyes, glance at all the stones on your Chakra chart, and quickly close your eyes. Now, in your mind’s eye notice which stone you remember the most, the one that stood out or had a flash of light or caught your eye. Open your eyes and place the quartz next that stone with the pointed end towards the stone. If all stones seem equal pick your favorite stone and place the quartz next to it.

12. Pick up your other piece of quartz and decide intuitively if you want that stone to bring energy in or take energy out of your Chakra system. If you want more energy from the Earth, place the quartz on the Root Chakra pointing up. If you want more Star energy, place in on the Crown Chakra pointing down. If you want the quartz to flow energy out of your energy system, place it on the Root Chakra pointing down. Take a deep breath and prepare for the eyes-closed guided meditation.