Melkezedek GlyphSophia GlyphJesus Sananda GlyphRiannon GlyphQuan Yin GlyphSister Mother Mary GlyphThoth GlyphIsis GlyphGaia Glyph

Lightworker Ascension Chakra Kit Healing Masters

We engaged with a few dozen ascended masters, gods and goddesses, animals, plants, trees, and a variety of star beings and galactics before the Healing Masters listed below agreed to work with us in a specific capacity. We are confident that the first time that you use any of our kits, many Healing Masters will be there ready and able to assist you – if you ask them. So we recommend the first time you use a kit, you follow our mediation to receive the commitment these masters have made to help Lightworkers on this planet at this time. When you use the kit again to either work on a specific chakra or healing, feel free to invite any benevolent beings.

The following Healing Masters are available any time to help you, just for the asking. These are the Masters engaged in our Lightworker Ascension Chakra Kit.

Melkezedek – Crown Chakra
Sophia – Third Eye Chakra
Jesus Sananda – Throat Chakra
Riannon – Heart Opening
Sister Mother Mary – Heart Work
Quan Yin – Heart Work
Thoth – Solar Plexus Chakra
Isis – Sacral Chakra
Gaia – Root Chakra

Melkezedek – Crown Chakra

Melkezedek is the overseer of the energy work that occurs when you engage with the Lightworker Ascension Chakra Kit. He is also the lead Master Healer in the Crown Chakra and works with Unakite.

His current message is: I Am that I Am Lord Melkezedek, and I join you in this project as the Master of Movement. Our first task together is to clear and heal your chakras so you can better open your Heart to your true self and path.

Melkezedek Glyph

Sophia – Third Eye Chakra

Sophia is the lead Master Healer in the Third Eye Chakra.

Although what is said about me often on this planet is that I am a goddess of wisdom, I am also about knowing what is important. Your density makes living a life in pure streaming energy a bit of an enigma because you actually have to store some energy, you have to plan, you have to build a bit to live in joy and comfort in a space and time world. So I help you hear what is important – the Star being energies have so much information, they have so much to say so much to offer to offer, but so much is not useful to you at this time. So allow me to get to know you, your goals, your work, your passion Ask me to temper to filter the flows of Star wisdom and to step down the vibration of the information from Mother Father God and Source from higher dimensions to better fit the time and space density of your world.

Sophia Glyph

Jesus Sananda – Throat Chakra

Jesus Sananda is the lead Master Healer in the Throat Chakra. His message is: I come to your throat chakra to act as a friend that comes to you to remind you can always choose love and compassion for others and yourself. You expression must have it all. The strength in the power of your conviction may be missing for some of you. So I chose Lapis, a strong and solid stone with sometimes with fire and sometimes white crystals of clarity. I take Sophia’s transduced wisdom and I transform it into the words, the vernacular of these times on the planet Earth. So you are able to speak from your heart, stay true to yourself and reach the hearts of others. You no longer have to ask what would Jesus do. I ask, what would you do? I trust you. You have the knowing, the information from Sophia, and iolite as it helps shape and draw out the wisdom already within you. Let your words shine with the blue light of love and wisdom my friends…shine, shine, shine…

Jesus Sananda Glyph

Riannon – Heart Opening

Riannon is the initial master healer of the Heart Chakra. You will meet her during the guided meditation and she will help you clear the path you want to be on. She will then lead you to Sister Mother Mary and Quan Yin.

Riannon Glyph

Sister Mother Mary – Heart Work

Sister Mother Mary is one of the Master Healers of the Heart Chakra. You will meet her and Quan Yin during the guided meditation.

One of her messages is: I am Sister Mother Mary and I find delight in being here with you and so many of my friends. You will find your path and uncover it step by step. When you find yourself at a crossroads you can stop or you can make a choice on which way to go. The choice, my friends, may not be simple because your world is complex and sometimes filled with many unknowns. But I will tell you what I know. I will guide you, whether you realize it consciously or not. You were meant to live a joyous and loving life. People come and people go and animals come and they go, so yes there will be sorrow and loss from time to time. You chose to come here with some purpose, but nothing about fulfilling your purpose should keep you from living in joy. This is a planet of abundance, there are energy grids full of pulsing power and light, so when you ask you receive. Everything is energy…water, an apple, your house: it’s all energy, all vibration. Your mind understands what is a house and what is an apple, so you when you ask for comfort and joy, our energy is filtered thru your planet’s density becomes the apple, the house, the new healing space, more friends. It’s a bit of a leap for the mind, but your mind just needs to know you just need to ask.

Sister Mother Mary Glyph

Quan Yin – Heart Work

Quan Yin is one of the Master Healers of the Heart Chakra. You will meet her and Sister Mother Mary during the guided meditation. Quan Yin Quan Yin serves the healers who are of this planet, those who will return to this planet to help all beings ascend. With her you walk the Bodhisattva path in service to all beings as part of the Earth’s ascension.

Quan Yin Glyph

Thoth – Solar Plexus Chakra

This is Thoth and I Am and That I Am, like you a servant of Mother Father God Spirit Love. I have joined my peers in this project to help you coalesce the energy from the Earth into something usable, not so raw as it once was straight from Gaia, but still with a blast of green creative energy took Isis some effort to tame. The Sacral Energy she flows into your Solar Chakra is purified potential. Here in your Solar Chakra, I use Carnelian, to segment this energy a bit – into different rays – different vibrations for the different needs in your life and your work on this planet. You might say I mold it into a more usable form, like an energy clay you can use where it is needed. I look into your practical needs and into your Heart’s desires so I can form specific power surges to help you manifest your goals and visions. If you ask me dear friend, if you ask.

Thoth Glyph

Isis – Sacral Chakra

Isis is the Master Healer of the Sacral Chakra

My love to you all and what a privilege you have given me to serve in this capacity to be a conduit between Mother Earth and my friend the Master Inventor. Thoth will not call himself that, not so much out of humility but because the Inventor is who he is and sometimes it is difficult to know and give a name to who you actually are….who you are in relation to others, because you are always you. So sometimes it helps you to be told, to be reminded you are a healer and all healers are inventors. You have to be. You might have come here with some ancient knowledge, but you have to adapt to present times and invent ways to bring forth your healing knowledge. I take the many layers of Earth energy and I prepare them for the Master Inventor Thoth in your Solar Chakra of action. He then prepares energy waves like tools you pick up and use to create your new healing methods. I step up, step down, transform, and transmute this energy. I do whatever Master Thoth is asking me to do, and my friends because of his love for you, he is asking a lot. But we are all masters here and this all happens instantly. We slow it down to give your mind time to wrap its thoughts around all this energy, so you can consciously evolve and ask for more and help others more. Let your mind see and know that I use Tiger Eye’s glowing glistening bands to send energy on a specific path or channel to be conditioned into the energy Thoth is expecting for you. I am Isis and I serve, I serve you in love and light.

Isis Glyph

Gaia – Root Chakra

Gaia, the spirit name of the planet Earth, is the Master Healer of the Root Chakra.

What a joy to be here and to be of service to you in ways that others were recently in service to me. The energetic realms and forces can be a slippery slope for humans. How can you get grounded with so much energy, how can you get your feet planted in one spot and grow and learn, live, have families and be of service. How do you get traction in such a changing world, and how do you know which of your gifts to develop? Let me, allow me by asking me dear friends to use your feet and your Root Chakra to send you my green energy of unlimited creative potential. This energy is healing it itself, and when filtered thru Lord Malachite and into Isis’ capable hands, my energy becomes usable to you to help you create the form and substance for you to build upon. Even in high energy times and challenges you need a stable foundation… I am Gaia and I am here to serve.

Gaia Glyph