An Introduction to Working with Spirit Animals
Most people know they have a guardian angel or other guides in spirit form that have been with them since birth, and many people know they can ask for more angels and guides to help them at any time. You also have one or more Spirit Animals that have been with you since birth. Sometimes these animals are called Power Animals or Totems. You can also ask for new Spirit Animals to help you at any time. They are waiting and eager for you to connect with them.
Animal Guides work with you much the same ways as Angels or Ascended Masters. For example, you can ask the Archangel Michael for protection, that is one of his fortes. But you can also ask Badger. If you want to add more fun or joy in your life, you can ask Hummingbird, Dolphin, or Otter. Each Spirit Animal has special strengths and attributes that you can call on or bring more into your life and actions.
There are many ways you can get help connecting with Spirit or Power Animals. We feel one of the best way is to find someone who has learned the shamanic technique of communicating with Spirit Animals. You are probably reading this message because you have either learned about one of your Spirit Animals or you are considering taking steps to learn more about Spirit Animals.
This short article provides some information about my thoughts and beliefs about Spirit Animals. In my work, I have talked with dozens of animals and asked them how they want to help people. Each animal told me different strengths and attributes they want to share and help people with, sometimes called that animal’s ‘medicine’. Some of this medicine is different from what other Spirit Animal sites present for a specific animal. Don’t be concerned about these differences, all Power Animal websites I have seen are built by healers with strong connections to Spirit and are doing great work. It will help you in your spiritual journey to be open to everything and to be discerning. Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals are never insulted if you have doubt or want more information or confirmation before taking action.
What Is Shamanism and How Do Spirit Animals Fit into Shamanism?
Very few shamans took just a couple weekend workshops before they called themselves a shaman. Shamanism is a spiritual path and a way of life. I don’t consider myself to be a shaman. I have learned a few shamanic techniques, such as journeying to different worlds to get information or communicating with animals. I also practice the shamanic technique of healing with dragons.
Many cultures practice a variety of types of shamanism. It is often linked to indigenous cultures and often involves working with spirit animals. In general I view shamanism as being able to visit the unseen worlds, communicate with spirit guides to get information or healing energy.
There are many other shamanic techniques and tools, such as soul retrieval that are very healing. Sandra Ingerman’s teaching ( are a great resource for someone interested in learning more about shamanistic techniques and tools and shamanism as a way of life.
So What Exactly is a Spirit Animal?
Spirit Animals are the energetic essence of an animal. I like to use capital letters when talking about spirit animals, such as Bear, Wolf, or Tiger, because we are not talking about a specific bear. We are talking about the essence of Bear. As an example, I work with Tiger, the energy essence of Tiger. But I also have a spirit guide who is a tiger. You might have a spirit guide who is a hawk and you thus you probably have Hawk energy. You might never have worked with Spider, until you call upon the essence of that energy to help you weave a new entry into something you are interested in.
One of the more difficult concepts in metaphysics is that everything is a vibration, really, just a vibration. Usually matter or form (e.g. your body) has a denser vibration that light. When you work with Hawk energy or Spider energy you are working with Hawk’s vibration in a certain frequency. That vibration or frequency carries information, which is what people like me using shamanic techniques can tune into to get information or healing energy from Hawk. Often the Akashic is involved, but let’s not get over complicated here.
Once you know you want to work with a Spirit Animal, all you need to know is how to ask them for help. All Spirit Animals, angels, ascended masters – any guide – are very interested in working with you further. They want to help you on your path, especially to help you find joy and happiness. They have the time (more on that later), unlimited resources and a deep deep deep love for you.
All you have to do ask.
You simply ask a Spirit Animal to help you and assist you. Sometimes it is a good idea to be specific, and other times it is just fine to be general and ask for protection from negative energies, ask for love and love, for abundance…
Personally, I approach my asking with a bit of reverence and a nod to the sacred. This means that I sit down and focus. I thank my guides and Spirit Animals. I am grateful and I try to honor them. I like choosing the animal I feel is best for I specifically want. For example, if I want help knowing WHEN to do something, I ask Bear. If I am thinking of taking a fun and adventurous trip, I ask Skunk. I can ask Tiger, but Skunk is aligned with adventure, so the vibrational alignment is better.
How to Ask a Spirit Animal for Help
Plan to spend 10-15 minutes, undisturbed. A quiet spot is ideal and having trees, water, rocks around is ideal. I like to sit at a small table I have downstairs. On the table have a few crystals (ok, I have a LOT, but you only need a few). I have a pine cone or maybe dried oak leaves and a bowl of water. If I can I will light a small candle. I sit quietly for just a minute or two and let my mind relax. I then close my eyes and imagine an animal who I feel can help me (although I usually know who I want to ask). You probably also have an animal in mind, one that you found about recently or have always kind of liked. It might help for you to gaze deeply into some images of your animal. When you get to this point, FOCUS ON AN EMOTION: IMAGINE HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL AS IF IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. You feel happy when you get a new job, you feel alive when you meet new friends, you feel positive about yourself when you speak up, you feel hopeful you learn a new healing technique. FEEL FEEL FEEL. And don’t think this type of imagining, this type of feeling is “faking it” – no no – imaging is the energetic foundation that gets you traction, elevates you on the path to what you want. A good teacher to read about this type of energetic imagining is Esther Hicks and Abraham (loads of info on YouTube).
When you are first staring out, it may be a good idea to write out what you want, again, paying particular attention to how you want to feel. Then use your own words and form a request to Spirit Animal and other guide. Ask for guidance, ask for joy, for healing, for insights, for the right people and events to come into your life in right-timing. Whatever you want. I usually sit quietly for a few minutes (personally I am not the best meditator), so a few minutes. Then I thank everyone.
Don’t get concerned about an exact and right method, just do, try, and have fun. Energy, e.g. vibration, likes to flow and nothing flows faster that joy and fun. And remember always, you are perfect because you, like everyone else, are DIVINE. It simply cannot be any other way.