Dragon Healing (Mp3)
When you cannot attend a Dragon Healing in Person or via Zoom, I do a Dragon Healing for you in my healing environment. I email you a link to the recording of the healing and an image of a Dragon that is closest to one I worked with. The recording is a guided meditation that you can listen to and receive additional healing. You receive a healing when I am actively narrating the meditation and each time you listen to the recording.
When you check out and complete your purchase, make sure to type a short message about what you are interested in healing. The dragons are good healers for issues blocking your spiritual path, fear, doubt, blocks, anger, grief, confusion…anything energetic. If you are not sure what you want healed, add a note about what you want more of in your life. Dragons and Spirit Animals are very interested in you having a joyous, happy and fulfilled life.
You can read more about Dragon Readings here to make sure you feel this is something that would benefit you.
Please note that the guided meditation is not always as smooth as my other pre-recorded meditations, because in the Dragon hearings, I am narrating what I see and feel and sometimes I am managing energies and not talking for a few minutes. It is important that you listen to the meditation because at the end of the meditation you will store your healing Dragon’s energy into a crystal or stone.
When you purchase a Dragon Healing, you write a short description of something you feel you need help with. I sit with Dragons for at least half an hour to get insight and healing into your situation. Usually, an Earth, Air, Fire, Water, or Ether Dragon comes to me with a flow of images that I narrate out loud and record for you as a guided meditation. You receive that recording and an image of a Dragon that was closest to the main Dragon I saw during the Dragon Healing. Often there is a lot of light, a lot of colors, other times there is a bit of heat or tingly sensations.
Medical Disclaimer: these healings are energetic and as such may provide emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. These healings a never meant to be a substitute for medical advice or medical treatment by a certified medical health advisor.